External filings for SK Inc. can be found at the electronic disclosure system websites of the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) or the Korea Exchange. Please type company code (034730) in the search bar for quick results.
Also, please note that the company code for preferred stock (03473K) cannot be used to search for disclosures.

※ FSS electronic disclosure system DART: https://englishdart.fss.or.kr

※ Korea Exchange electronic disclosure system KIND: https://engkind.krx.co.kr

In accordance to the articles of incorporation amended on March 29, 2023, the record date for both interim and annual dividends are decided by the board of directors. The date is announced at minimum 2 weeks prior to the record date, and as such, SK Inc. no longer has a set record date for dividends.

The record dates for FY22 were set at 12AM, July 1, for the interim dividend and December 31, for the annual dividend according to the article of incorporation pre-amendment. However, in order to comply with the guideline announced by the Financial Services Commission in January 2023, SK Inc. decided to amend the relevant articles of incorporation and adhere to the process of announcing the dividend amount before the record date. In practice SK Inc. has applied the new process starting with the FY23 interim dividend.

The recent 3 record dates for dividends are as follows:
FY23 Interim Dividend (KRW 1,500/common share) Record Date: August 10, 2023
FY23 Annual Dividend (KRW 3,500/common share) Record Date: April 1, 2024
FY24 Interim Dividend (KRW 1,500/common share) Record Date: August 14, 2024

Both interim and annual dividend payments are made within one month of board approval, as stipulated by the Commercial Act. However, if deemed necessary, the payout date can be determined at a shareholders' meeting or at a meeting of the board of directors.

Currently SK Inc. does not have plans to pay out quarterly dividends.

On March 29, 2022, SK Inc. announced that the company will align portfolio growth and realized investment gains to shareholder return. As such, SK Inc.'s shareholder return is determined based on the following conditions:

1) +30% of dividend income from subsidiaries paid out as regular dividends

2) Annual share buyback in the amount of +1% of market capitalization

3) Treasury share cancellation can also be considered as part of total shareholder return

※ Link to March 29, 2022 Shareholder Retrun Policy announcement: https://dart.fss.or.kr/dsaf001/main.do?rcpNo=20220329800137

For FY22 and FY23, in addition to cash dividend of KRW 5,000 per common share, SK Inc. purchased and cancelled 951k, 696k shares respectively.

As of June 30, 2024, SK Inc. holds 17,982,354 common shares and 1,787 preferred shares in treasury. Since the merger of SK Inc. and SK C&C, there have been four accounts of share repurchases, as follows:

1) September 1 to November 11, 2015: Acquired 3,514,276 commons shares via open-market transactions

2) October 2 to December 11, 2019: Acquired 3,520,000 common shares via open-market transactions

3) August 31, 2022 to March 2, 2023: Acquired 951,000 common shares via trust agreement

4) November 1, 2023 to May 2, 2024: Acquired 695,626 common shares via trust agreement

According to the company's articles of incorporation, SK Inc. holds regular general meetings of shareholders within 3 months after the end of each fiscal year. The notice of the general meeting of shareholders is disclosed on the Financial Supervisory Service's electronic disclosure system at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date or earlier. The schedule, venue, and agenda of the regular general meeting of shareholders can be confirmed through the disclosure of the notice of the general meeting of shareholders.

In the past 3 years, SK Inc. held regular general meetings of shareholders on March 29, 2022, March 29, 2023, and March 27, 2024.

Quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports, including financial results, are filed on the Financial Supervisory Service's electronic disclosure system. Earnings presentation material is uploaded to the Investor Relations menu on the SK Inc. website following disclosure.

Please go to [Investor Relations > IR Archives] for further details.

To prevent any confusion to investors regarding the IR information provided by the IR departments of listed subsidiaries., SK Inc. does not cover or distribute information on its listed subsidiaries. You can find company introductions and IR materials on each subsidiary's website. Also, in the quarterly and semi-annual reports, as well as annual reports, you can find the content of the business of major subsidiaries, both listed and unlisted, under the section II. Business Overview > 7. Other Notes.

To access the websites of each subsidiary, you can click on the Family Site link located at the bottom right corner of SK Inc. website.

As of June 30, 2024, and based on common shares, SK Inc. shareholders are composed of the largest shareholder and related parties (25.7%), foreign institutions (22.6%), domestic institutions (11.8%), individual investors and others (15.1%), and treasury stock (24.8%).

Above information can also be found at [Investor Relations > Shareholder Information > Shareholders] menu.

External filings for SK Inc. can be found at the electronic disclosure system websites of the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) or the Korea Exchange. Please type company code (034730) in the search bar for quick results.
Also, please note that the company code for preferred stock (03473K) cannot be used to search for disclosures.

※ FSS electronic disclosure system DART: https://englishdart.fss.or.kr

※ Korea Exchange electronic disclosure system KIND: https://engkind.krx.co.kr

In accordance to the articles of incorporation amended on March 29, 2023, the record date for both interim and annual dividends are decided by the board of directors. The date is announced at minimum 2 weeks prior to the record date, and as such, SK Inc. no longer has a set record date for dividends.

The record dates for FY22 were set at 12AM, July 1, for the interim dividend and December 31, for the annual dividend according to the article of incorporation pre-amendment. However, in order to comply with the guideline announced by the Financial Services Commission in January 2023, SK Inc. decided to amend the relevant articles of incorporation and adhere to the process of announcing the dividend amount before the record date. In practice SK Inc. has applied the new process starting with the FY23 interim dividend.

The recent 3 record dates for dividends are as follows:
FY23 Interim Dividend (KRW 1,500/common share) Record Date: August 10, 2023
FY23 Annual Dividend (KRW 3,500/common share) Record Date: April 1, 2024
FY24 Interim Dividend (KRW 1,500/common share) Record Date: August 14, 2024

Both interim and annual dividend payments are made within one month of board approval, as stipulated by the Commercial Act. However, if deemed necessary, the payout date can be determined at a shareholders' meeting or at a meeting of the board of directors.

Currently SK Inc. does not have plans to pay out quarterly dividends.

On March 29, 2022, SK Inc. announced that the company will align portfolio growth and realized investment gains to shareholder return. As such, SK Inc.'s shareholder return is determined based on the following conditions:

1) +30% of dividend income from subsidiaries paid out as regular dividends

2) Annual share buyback in the amount of +1% of market capitalization

3) Treasury share cancellation can also be considered as part of total shareholder return

※ Link to March 29, 2022 Shareholder Retrun Policy announcement: https://dart.fss.or.kr/dsaf001/main.do?rcpNo=20220329800137

For FY22 and FY23, in addition to cash dividend of KRW 5,000 per common share, SK Inc. purchased and cancelled 951k, 696k shares respectively.

As of June 30, 2024, SK Inc. holds 17,982,354 common shares and 1,787 preferred shares in treasury. Since the merger of SK Inc. and SK C&C, there have been four accounts of share repurchases, as follows:

1) September 1 to November 11, 2015: Acquired 3,514,276 commons shares via open-market transactions

2) October 2 to December 11, 2019: Acquired 3,520,000 common shares via open-market transactions

3) August 31, 2022 to March 2, 2023: Acquired 951,000 common shares via trust agreement

4) November 1, 2023 to May 2, 2024: Acquired 695,626 common shares via trust agreement

According to the company's articles of incorporation, SK Inc. holds regular general meetings of shareholders within 3 months after the end of each fiscal year. The notice of the general meeting of shareholders is disclosed on the Financial Supervisory Service's electronic disclosure system at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date or earlier. The schedule, venue, and agenda of the regular general meeting of shareholders can be confirmed through the disclosure of the notice of the general meeting of shareholders.

In the past 3 years, SK Inc. held regular general meetings of shareholders on March 29, 2022, March 29, 2023, and March 27, 2024.

Quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports, including financial results, are filed on the Financial Supervisory Service's electronic disclosure system. Earnings presentation material is uploaded to the Investor Relations menu on the SK Inc. website following disclosure.

Please go to [Investor Relations > IR Archives] for further details.

To prevent any confusion to investors regarding the IR information provided by the IR departments of listed subsidiaries., SK Inc. does not cover or distribute information on its listed subsidiaries. You can find company introductions and IR materials on each subsidiary's website. Also, in the quarterly and semi-annual reports, as well as annual reports, you can find the content of the business of major subsidiaries, both listed and unlisted, under the section II. Business Overview > 7. Other Notes.

To access the websites of each subsidiary, you can click on the Family Site link located at the bottom right corner of SK Inc. website.

As of June 30, 2024, and based on common shares, SK Inc. shareholders are composed of the largest shareholder and related parties (25.7%), foreign institutions (22.6%), domestic institutions (11.8%), individual investors and others (15.1%), and treasury stock (24.8%).

Above information can also be found at [Investor Relations > Shareholder Information > Shareholders] menu.

As the holding company of the group, SK Inc. aims to identify various AI capabilities within the group and lead the collaboration among companies to create synergies. Our subsidiaries will focus on enhancing expertise in specific fields and also take the lead in the process of establishing partnerships with global AI companies.

Currently, we are strengthening our AI portfolio, including AI hardware (SK hynix), AI software (SK telecom), and AI infrastructure (SK innovation+SK E&S). SK Group, as a whole, is making efforts to secure global AI value chain leadership.

Following businesses are included in the consolidated financials of SK Inc.:

[SK innovation] Petrochemicals, lubricants, rechargeable battery businesses as well as developlment of natural resources

[SK telecom] Wireless and broadband communications services

[SK square] Founded via spin-off from SK telecom in 2021, holding company with investment porfolio in semiconductors and new ICT assets

[SK networks] Global trading, wholesale mobile device supply business, rental and hospitality business

[SKC] Rechargeable battery and semiconductor materials business

Please refer to the business reports and other filings of each company for further details.

Different revenue sources are as follows:

[IT Service] Supply of IT goods and services through the utilization of digital technology, both domestically and internationally

[Royalties] As the owner of the SK brand, collect royalties from companies that use the SK brand.

[Dividend Income] Dividend from subsidiaries and investment companies; determined according to each company's performance

[Rental Income] Rental income from real estate assets

For FY23, the respective proportions were [56% / 8% / 34% / 2%]. For more details, please refer to the audit report and annual filings.

SK Inc.'s board of directors consists of a total of 8 members (5 external directors and 3 internal directors), and they exercise the function of supervising the management and representing various stakeholders. The board of directors holds regular monthly meetings, but also holds ad hoc meetings as needed. In addition, SK Inc. has established and operate four committees within the board of directors (Audit Committee, Nomination & Compensation Committee, Governance Committee, ESG Committee).

For further information on the board and its activities, please go to [ESG > Governance] menu.

SK Inc. has been maintaining AA+ and A1 ratings for corporate bonds and commercial papers at all three domestic credit rating agencies (Korea Ratings, Korea Investors Service and Nice Investor Service) since 2015.

For more information, please go to [Investor Relations > Financial Information > Credit Ratings] menu.

The fiscal year closing date for SK Inc. is December 31, and audit reports which include financial statements can be found at the electronic disclosure system websites or on the company website.

On this website please go to [Investor Relations > Financial Information], or [Investor Relations > IR Archives] menu.

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